When I was young I can't ever remember being worried about my feet hurting. I can recall (amazingly) one night out in Worcester when I was about 19 walking miles home from a night out in 6 inch white stilettos with pointy toes. Don't judge me - it was the fashion at the time. Along with the skin tight white lycra dress I wore with them. *shudders*
The only things I wear now which are skin tight are normal clothes which are too small for me and heels largely are worn to walk from the car to the restaurant and are generally kicked off under the table until it's time to ram my protesting tootsies back into them. I call my favourite going-out footwear "shoes to sit down in."
That is I did until I discovered Donna Heels from Hotter. I was chatting on Twitter about how hard it is to find comfortable shoes which look nice.
I have Fibromyalgia and find now that even a teeny bit of stitching out of place, or a bad lining or sole can cause me more than the average amount of discomfort.
Shaped so-called fitness flip-flops, expensive German brands and the sort of comfy shoes beloved by nurses and octogenarians seemed to be the only way I could walk without wincing.
Someone online mentioned Hotter and posted a picture of the Donna. You could hear the "Ooh's" of surprise and admiration from hoards of foot-weary women who, let's be honest, probably knew Hotter more as the place your Nan likes to shop. Could it be true? Could there really be a pair of funky shoes out there which not only looked good but were comfortable too?
I was invited to meet up with Graham, the assistant manager at my local store in Milton Keynes to see if he could find me some attractive but comfortable shoes. I thought he might be able to fulfil one or the other but never dreamed he could do both.
The store itself was calm and neat - lovely sofas and attentive staff dealing with lots of stylish ladies - who were as I expected largely retirement age. I saw the shoes I expected - velcro-strapped and flat, but I also saw lots I didn't.

It turns out Hotter does a whole range of elegant heels in a range of colours plus a really nice range of trainer-type shoes and even walking boots. I was unexpectedly taken with the men's shoes too - Graham (in his 20's) claims his Hotter shoes are still comfortable after a long shift standing and walking in them. And let me tell you - these are not old man shoes but the sort of design my 19-year-old son chooses.
But never mind that - how about shoes for ME? I had to try the Donna Heels. The colours alone drew me. And as soon as I slipped my feet into the soft suede I was hooked. I gazed down at my feet as starry-eyed as any toddler trying on plastic princess heels for the first time. My feet looked so pretty!
I tentatively tried walking - the shoe did slip slightly but Graham leapt into action and after trying various half sizes and Hotter custom-made leather inserts he created the perfect footwear for one happy blogger.
Being completely impractical I disregarded the sensible Light Taupe which would have gone with everything and opted for a dusky Dark Pink which made my heart sing. I will find things to go with them!
I wore them that night to a Barn Dance. Well OK I didn't do any dancing per se but they were immensely comfortable walking around all night even during my frequent trips to the buffet. I wore them for school run - no rubbing, pinching or aching and have worn them at just about every opportunity since. Insisting everyone looks at my pretty shoes!
The shoes would be perfect for a wedding - even for the bride if she chose the taupe. All that standing around would be a breeze with these on your feet!
Any negatives? Well being suede not suitable for monsoons but I have sprayed mine as recommended with the water-repellant stain-repellant spray so they should be OK on not quite dry days.
And they are not cheap - £85 for the Donna Heel design - but you can feel the quality in the shoes with beautiful lining, padded soles and a great non-slip sole so it really is a case here of "you get what you pay for." And what you get is well-made, beautiful comfortable shoes.
Top Tip -There are some great money-saving offers at the moment in store and if you order online- check the website for details.
Disclaimer: I received a pair of Donna Heels and leather inserts free for the purpose of this honest review. Views and Opinions remain my own.
NOTE Post Updated March 2020 - Donna heels have had a style update but are still available in a very similar style. Link in post takes you to the new style.
The only things I wear now which are skin tight are normal clothes which are too small for me and heels largely are worn to walk from the car to the restaurant and are generally kicked off under the table until it's time to ram my protesting tootsies back into them. I call my favourite going-out footwear "shoes to sit down in."
That is I did until I discovered Donna Heels from Hotter. I was chatting on Twitter about how hard it is to find comfortable shoes which look nice.
I have Fibromyalgia and find now that even a teeny bit of stitching out of place, or a bad lining or sole can cause me more than the average amount of discomfort.
Shaped so-called fitness flip-flops, expensive German brands and the sort of comfy shoes beloved by nurses and octogenarians seemed to be the only way I could walk without wincing.
Someone online mentioned Hotter and posted a picture of the Donna. You could hear the "Ooh's" of surprise and admiration from hoards of foot-weary women who, let's be honest, probably knew Hotter more as the place your Nan likes to shop. Could it be true? Could there really be a pair of funky shoes out there which not only looked good but were comfortable too?
I was invited to meet up with Graham, the assistant manager at my local store in Milton Keynes to see if he could find me some attractive but comfortable shoes. I thought he might be able to fulfil one or the other but never dreamed he could do both.
The store itself was calm and neat - lovely sofas and attentive staff dealing with lots of stylish ladies - who were as I expected largely retirement age. I saw the shoes I expected - velcro-strapped and flat, but I also saw lots I didn't.
It turns out Hotter does a whole range of elegant heels in a range of colours plus a really nice range of trainer-type shoes and even walking boots. I was unexpectedly taken with the men's shoes too - Graham (in his 20's) claims his Hotter shoes are still comfortable after a long shift standing and walking in them. And let me tell you - these are not old man shoes but the sort of design my 19-year-old son chooses.
But never mind that - how about shoes for ME? I had to try the Donna Heels. The colours alone drew me. And as soon as I slipped my feet into the soft suede I was hooked. I gazed down at my feet as starry-eyed as any toddler trying on plastic princess heels for the first time. My feet looked so pretty!
Being completely impractical I disregarded the sensible Light Taupe which would have gone with everything and opted for a dusky Dark Pink which made my heart sing. I will find things to go with them!
I wore them that night to a Barn Dance. Well OK I didn't do any dancing per se but they were immensely comfortable walking around all night even during my frequent trips to the buffet. I wore them for school run - no rubbing, pinching or aching and have worn them at just about every opportunity since. Insisting everyone looks at my pretty shoes!
The shoes would be perfect for a wedding - even for the bride if she chose the taupe. All that standing around would be a breeze with these on your feet!
Any negatives? Well being suede not suitable for monsoons but I have sprayed mine as recommended with the water-repellant stain-repellant spray so they should be OK on not quite dry days.
And they are not cheap - £85 for the Donna Heel design - but you can feel the quality in the shoes with beautiful lining, padded soles and a great non-slip sole so it really is a case here of "you get what you pay for." And what you get is well-made, beautiful comfortable shoes.
Top Tip -There are some great money-saving offers at the moment in store and if you order online- check the website for details.
Disclaimer: I received a pair of Donna Heels and leather inserts free for the purpose of this honest review. Views and Opinions remain my own.
NOTE Post Updated March 2020 - Donna heels have had a style update but are still available in a very similar style. Link in post takes you to the new style.