Grumpy toddler has just been in the bath. This is at midday and is as much about me needing half an hour without bears who are secret agents, elephants with wheels and pigs with dinosaurs as him needing a wash. Parents reading this are nodding understandingly.
I was also fed up of re-doing the wooden train track while the little dictator in my life sat back and barked orders at me. So I bunged him in the bath with his preferred selection of a kitchen jug, sieve and action man ignoring, obviously, the box full of actual bath toys.
After a good distracting wet play session I wrapped him in a towel and asked if he wanted to wear clothes or his cosy?
This cosy is actually what we used to call a sleep suit and is now commonly known as a onesie. The first time he wore this one I zipped him up and told him that he looked nice and cosy. The name cosy has stuck.
All families have pet names for stuff. Often they can't even remember how the name started although some are obvious- I have a friend with children who are adult now but in their house tomato ketchup is still blib-blob.
Doughnuts in our household are often called stone-ups ( DS#1's toddler word ). We had some confusion for a while started by my eldest daughters request that when I went shopping I bought her some doughnuts. Over the following weeks I bought jam, custard, iced, cream and mini doughnuts. She would eagerly peer into the bag and then step back disappointed. Wrong sort of doughnuts again!
Eventually we went to a party and she happily pointed out that they had doughnuts. Which were in fact salted peanuts.
One of my favourite memories from DS#1s early childhood was his frequent mispronunciations. He came home from school proudly announcing he was in the pudwackers team and he needed a green tee-shirt. Enquiries at school revealed they had named house groups for sports day. Robins, golden eagles, kingfishers and WOODPECKERS!
My youngest daughter is getting really fed up with constant reminders of her early years. She had a lovely sort of lisp where she replaced s with f. So she would be afleep on the fofa. Then she excitedly told us at the beach that she had seen a frab. And the living room in her world was pronounced river room. So we still tease her that she'd been afleep on the fofa in the river room with the frabs. Like I said, it's a family thing. Along with the constant reminders that she doesn't have a chin but that's a story for another day.
I'd love to hear mispronunciations from your family- leave a comment below and we can have a chuckle- and maybe adopt a few for everyday use. While I wait to hear from you I might just enjoy a stoneup while relaxing on the fofa in the river room.
I was also fed up of re-doing the wooden train track while the little dictator in my life sat back and barked orders at me. So I bunged him in the bath with his preferred selection of a kitchen jug, sieve and action man ignoring, obviously, the box full of actual bath toys.
After a good distracting wet play session I wrapped him in a towel and asked if he wanted to wear clothes or his cosy?
This cosy is actually what we used to call a sleep suit and is now commonly known as a onesie. The first time he wore this one I zipped him up and told him that he looked nice and cosy. The name cosy has stuck.
Various doughnuts (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Doughnuts in our household are often called stone-ups ( DS#1's toddler word ). We had some confusion for a while started by my eldest daughters request that when I went shopping I bought her some doughnuts. Over the following weeks I bought jam, custard, iced, cream and mini doughnuts. She would eagerly peer into the bag and then step back disappointed. Wrong sort of doughnuts again!
Eventually we went to a party and she happily pointed out that they had doughnuts. Which were in fact salted peanuts.
One of my favourite memories from DS#1s early childhood was his frequent mispronunciations. He came home from school proudly announcing he was in the pudwackers team and he needed a green tee-shirt. Enquiries at school revealed they had named house groups for sports day. Robins, golden eagles, kingfishers and WOODPECKERS!

I'd love to hear mispronunciations from your family- leave a comment below and we can have a chuckle- and maybe adopt a few for everyday use. While I wait to hear from you I might just enjoy a stoneup while relaxing on the fofa in the river room.