IT was Mothering Sunday here in the UK yesterday and for weeks the shops have been filled with all sorts of tat for you to buy to make mum feel special.
For once I was organised and bought and sent my mum's present via Amazon to Cyprus weeks ago. And of course through the joys of VoiP could see her face to face and wish her a happy mothers day. I told her I wished she was here so I could take her out to lunch.
Actually I wish I was there so I could take her out to lunch. The weather is much nicer there and frankly a plate of calamari and giant prawns, served with slices of lemon, picked fresh off the tree, all washed down with a Brandy Sour from a table with a sea view would just about hit the spot right now.....
Anyway, back to my chilly lounge with -7 degree winds howling outside with flurries of snow- what was I rambling about?
Oh yes. Mothering Sunday.
My day was lovely, despite a raging sinus infection and the joy of the current Fibromyalgia flare up. Breakfast in bed was actually edible. I had an assortment of homemade cards plus a lovely slushy one from DH. I got a homemade origami swan, some pre-loved jewellery and some slightly soggy and battered primulas( well, I think they are primulas - gardening not my strong point as I have said before!) in a cardboard pot made at church.
Grumpy Toddler had already presented me with some "roses" ( daffodils) from Pre-school on Friday with a touching declaration of love in the playground. All together now - AHHH!
DH excelled with some roses in a gorgeous vintage-y jug which he was very proud of, even though he warned me they were "a bit dead". Well, its the thought that counts.
When DS#1 came over he brought an "I Love My Mummy" mug and a lovely card. Then asked what was for tea. Nothing new there then. But I was so chuffed he had scraped together enough money to buy me anything I didn't mind.
DS#2 reminded me he had already bought my lovely "Cath" laptop bag and he had warned me I wouldn't be getting a card. He thinks they are a waste of money. Fair enough.
We went to church then I changed into pjs and lounged on the sofa ALL DAY!
Ok, so this morning I had to spend hours clearing up accumulated mess as no-one else actually did anything either but it was a lovely day.
And this morning the other mums compared notes on their days. One got a roast dinner cooked, ( although she has to wash up today as it turned out they had run out of washing up liquid so her DH just left the lot to soak.
One got taken out to lunch. One got to lie in bed all day (nursing a cold) while her DH actually removed her two children from the house altogether!
One friend of mine was heard to moan she never got to enjoy Mothering Sunday as a mother herself as she was always guilted into spending the whole day spoiling her mother.
I know some people think Mothering Sunday has lost it's way, and has become just another excuse for florists and restaurants to put their prices up. And some dads moan that it's much bigger than Father's Day ( too right it is! How many babies have you actually grown inside you Dad?)
But I'm a believer that there's enough misery in this world and it's nice to take a break from the bad news, celebrate something happy in this dreary month and take the opportunity to think about the people ( not necessarily just our actual Mothers) who offer us mother-like love, care and attention.
And let's be honest mums. Isn't it nice even just once a year to have our family show us in whatever way they can that they appreciate what we do.
Even if that way involves extra clearing up the day after.
For once I was organised and bought and sent my mum's present via Amazon to Cyprus weeks ago. And of course through the joys of VoiP could see her face to face and wish her a happy mothers day. I told her I wished she was here so I could take her out to lunch.
Actually I wish I was there so I could take her out to lunch. The weather is much nicer there and frankly a plate of calamari and giant prawns, served with slices of lemon, picked fresh off the tree, all washed down with a Brandy Sour from a table with a sea view would just about hit the spot right now.....
Anyway, back to my chilly lounge with -7 degree winds howling outside with flurries of snow- what was I rambling about?
Oh yes. Mothering Sunday.
lots of cards |
grumpy's "roses" in with some actual roses. |
DH excelled with some roses in a gorgeous vintage-y jug which he was very proud of, even though he warned me they were "a bit dead". Well, its the thought that counts.
When DS#1 came over he brought an "I Love My Mummy" mug and a lovely card. Then asked what was for tea. Nothing new there then. But I was so chuffed he had scraped together enough money to buy me anything I didn't mind.
DS#2 reminded me he had already bought my lovely "Cath" laptop bag and he had warned me I wouldn't be getting a card. He thinks they are a waste of money. Fair enough.
We went to church then I changed into pjs and lounged on the sofa ALL DAY!
And this morning the other mums compared notes on their days. One got a roast dinner cooked, ( although she has to wash up today as it turned out they had run out of washing up liquid so her DH just left the lot to soak.
One got taken out to lunch. One got to lie in bed all day (nursing a cold) while her DH actually removed her two children from the house altogether!
One friend of mine was heard to moan she never got to enjoy Mothering Sunday as a mother herself as she was always guilted into spending the whole day spoiling her mother.
primulas? |
But I'm a believer that there's enough misery in this world and it's nice to take a break from the bad news, celebrate something happy in this dreary month and take the opportunity to think about the people ( not necessarily just our actual Mothers) who offer us mother-like love, care and attention.
And let's be honest mums. Isn't it nice even just once a year to have our family show us in whatever way they can that they appreciate what we do.
Even if that way involves extra clearing up the day after.