Birthday Cake (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
I wondered what to write about. I wondered about sharing another inappropriate anecdote - the sort people normally only share after too much falling over juice. I wondered about doing something sensible like my favourite recipe or a poem. But I decided instead to tell you some of my truths, some of the rules I live by, some of the fundamental facts that make me, me.
1. Madmumof7 does not share food.
This makes me sound awful. Let me explain - I am a sharing, caring person and a Black Country lass to boot so if you came to my house and I had cake or biscuits or it was anywhere near a mealtime I would probably invite you to eat. I actually suffer from what I have nicknamed "dinner party Tourettes" in that I seem to be always unexpectedly blurting out dinner invites for no particular reason.
No, I don't share food if I have already allocated it to myself. If it's on my plate - it's mine. This works in odd ways. Let me explain in old school maths style. If there are five sausages in the fridge and there are two people (including me) to be fed, how many sausages does each person get? The answer in my house would probably be one for me, four for my visitor. Now. If there are five sausages on my plate and someone else arrives, how many sausages does each person get. Well, I get five and the visitor can just bog off! Get it?

3.When in doubt, quote Dr. Pepper.
When I'm not sure, or shy or doubtful about new people, experiences or situations I ask myself; "What's the worst that can happen?" Generally the answer is that I could make a tit of myself, have to restart something or apologise. It's very rare that the answer to the Dr Pepper question is "You might die." If that is in fact the answer I might then ask myself :"yes but is it worth the risk?"
Usually the answer is "yes", particularly when I'm thinking about eating out of date cream cakes, asking the mad woman in the queue at Tesco if she knows she has a cat in her pocket or wondering if my husband will kill me if I buy yet another Cath Kidston product. The answer is more likely to be "no" if the question involves me taking part in any activity which involves water, spiders or cheese.
4. I have a need for speed.
Top Gun. Awesome film, great quote. ( If you don't know it, leave now you are too young to be reading my blog)
I have a need for speed. I speak fast, drive fast, read fast, type fast and think fast. I make up my mind about people fast too and am rarely wrong when I go with my instinct. Once I have made a friend I am loyal for life unless you piss me off one time too many- then be warned I hold a grudge forever.
5. I love love.
I don't bang on about being Christian but for me it's not just a label, it's very much like being a stick of rock, God's love runs through my core. For me, my faith is about all about love. I won't bore you with why or how, it just is.
I love my DH - we have just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary and we still love to spend as much time as possible together. He is my best friend.
1st edition (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
So there we have it. Some random information about me. And now a thank you. To all of you out there reading my nonsense. Especially those of you regularly follow my blog. And to my loyal friends and patient family members who even put up with featuring in it!
And the biggest thank you of all to those of you who feed back to me when they have enjoyed stuff I've written-I went to the pub with a group of playground mums the other day and one lady I don't know very well told me she saves my posts for a Sunday morning treat. She said she loves to sit and read the whole week's worth in one go because it makes her laugh. I was so touched and grateful for that - to know for even just one person my writing is something to look forward to makes it all worthwhile. XXX