I HAVE just picked up some friends from the airport and my little jaunt down the M25 to Heathrow was not too much of a chore because I love going to the airport!

We had been watching the arrivals board and it had taken a while for their baggage to be "arriving" so I took the opportunity to do some people watching - my favourite occupation.
I didn't see any celebrities - but I wasn't surprised. I never spot celebrities and even when I know for sure one is nearby I always have trouble recognising them. Seriously, the Queen could be in front on me in the queue at Tesco ( unlikely I know) and I wouldn't recognise her. I'm not alone - I gather she often walks her corgis round Green Park in London and in her headscarf and a tweed coat very few people recognise our Monarch.
I did see some characters though. I was particularly intrigued by the guy in a pilot uniform wandering around pushing a trolley with a couple of small suitcases on. He was gazing around looking quite bewildered as if he had never seen an airport before. I him out to the other "chauffeur" and we chuckled a little- then 10 minutes later I spotted the "pilot" making another circuit of the arrivals hall, still looking lost and confused. Maybe somewhere there was a plane full of passengers wondering where their pilot was....
Even better, a couple of minutes later I saw another chap in a pilot uniform complete with hat and gold braid. What made him interesting was his giant bushy handlebar moustache - Chocks Away Chaps!

Then I played a short game of "guess where the arriving travellers came from".
Lahore was easy - lots of colourful saris and giant piles of luggage topped with interesting-shaped things wrapped in brown paper and bits of cardboard. But it was more difficult than you'd think to distinguish between the passengers from the next two arriving flights - Helinski and Istanbul. Mostly I saw blokes in suits talking earnestly into mobile phones. I did overhear one of the "suits" answer his phone with the words "Mission Control here." Wow! Maybe a spy? Or, more likely, a middle manager with a Mondeo and a big ego.
I was almost disappointed when our builders appeared through the doors , especially when none of them was dressed like a pilot. Spoilsports.