I am very enthusiastic about blogging, possibly to the point of being a zealot and have helped a couple of other people start their blogs too. We are all looking forward to Britmums Live 2014 next year!
FDIL blogs about Surviving University One Day at a Time and, bless her, recently nominated me for the Blog Your Heart Out Award.
The rules of the "award" are simple - each nominated blogger answers five questions then nominates another five deserving bloggers.
So here I go:
What/Who encouraged you to start blogging?
I sat on January 1 this year contemplating the year ahead and upon realising that finally, my youngest child would be starting full time school thought:"Oh B*gger! I'm going to have to get a proper job!"
Previously I have been a journalist and news editor and love writing so decided to start blogging right there and then and hope somehow it would turn into a proper job.
I was greatly helped at first by an old friend from my teenage years, Jon Hunt, who blogs at e-clectism. Over a fab Sunday lunch he showed me how to add gadgets, social networking buttons and gave me some top tips on the do's and don'ts of blogging. Once again Jonno - thanks!
How did you choose what topics to blog about?
I'll let you know when I have! No, in truth my head is full of random thoughts and memories and I spew those out along with my views and opinions on stuff. Oh, and I review biscuits a lot.
What is something most people don't know about you?
I have a licence to drive steam trains. Earned properly for the purposes of writing a feature piece (which actually won an award) many years ago when I was a print journalist.
What 3 words describe your style?
What do you like to do when you are not blogging?
Eat, Pray, Love.
I love to eat, and cook, and especially enjoy planning meals to share with friends. I pray a lot - my faith is very important to me. And love? I love my husband of 21 years very very much, and of course our 7 amazing children. My friends are also very important to me - Love ya guys!
So that's my five questions answered. If you are still awake then thanks for reading. And my nominations for the award go to:
Claire at Laid Back Mum of 4- pic from Facebook.
Carolynne at Mummy Endeavours (that's her on the right, with me gurning at Britmum's Live 2013!)

Cathie at Wicked World of Lucas - pic from her blog.

Jaime at The Oliver's Madhouse who is prob far too busy to do this but I love her!
And Charly at PODcast - who runs one of my favourite Linkys #whatsthestory