I have been a bit erratic posting in the last few days. This is because I am in the middle of a Fibromyalgia Syndrome flare-up.
(Photo credit: *SHESHELL*) |
I've been unable to leave the house on some days, my bed on others. I won't bore you with the minutae (well, not right now) but I wanted to post this.
On Monday I was in so much pain and so exhausted I was housebound. I had trouble heaving myself into the shower or getting up from the loo. Driving was out of the question. I was feeling very sorry for myself and to be honest a little bit angry that the God I worship and love had bestowed this less than welcome gift on me. (Of course I know He hasn't - it's my own body mixing random messages and chemicals and coming up with it but hey- I hadn't slept and was in pain!)
Then I sat and read another person's blog. I cried, and I felt guilty for being pissed off about my stupid syndrome.
This lady on the left is the daughter of someone I know from church. She is 20 years old. She is bright and beautiful (burst into song if you feel like it - I think she'd laugh)
She has Dystonia.
I won't attempt to describe this dreadful disease which leaves her bent and twisted, in agony and sometimes unconscious.
I will just tell you that she handles her most awful situation with grace, dignity and humour. I am in awe.
Go read her blog. And count your blessings. I did.