Gaudete- An excuse to be Joyful.

This is the Advent wreath in our church. Eagle eyed folks might have spotted that there are three purple candles (purple is the colour for Advent in church terms, representing  Kingdom season), one white candle (for Christmas Day) and lurking in the back, one pink candle.

We lit the pink candle yesterday - it was the third Sunday in Advent, otherwise known as Gaudete Sunday. Remember that hit from Steeleye Span? No? Hmm, well I am quite old.

Anyway, Gaudete is Latin for Joy and this week Christians are encouraged to be extra-specially joyful about that special baby's birthday.

Any excuse for a bit of joy I reckon, especially with so many sad and bad stories in the news. So I thought I'd share my pictures from church this week and hope that Christian or not you will have an extra joyful week.

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