Colic and chocolate - top tips for new parents.

As a mum of seven ( and now Grandma to one) I am often asked for tips, the best of my wisdom learned after 20 plus years of being a mother, kernels of knowledge which could make a new parent's life easier. Um, yes. OK. The biggest thing I learned- children are all different so each new baby makes me a new mum again.

However I have obviously picked up some practical tips and so thought it might be useful to share.

One of the things I have been asked about many times is how to cope with colic. 

madmumof7's family

Firstly, don't suffer the misery of colic alone - ask experts like your GP, pharmacist and heath visitor for help and expert advice. Grandma, the neighbour and the mad cat lady on the bus will all have an opinion on how they or their mother fixed it.  Largely you can ignore their advice!

When my first son developed a terrible case of colic I was at my wits end as evening after evening was lost to a red-faced screecher who screamed and screamed with his little knees drawn up to his painful tummy.

I was given some frankly dodgy recommendations from well-meaning friends and family which included administering alcohol nightly to my 8 week old baby. I ignored that gem!

So I spoke to my health visitor and she advised we massage his back. I spent hours every night with him lying him facedown across my knees rubbing his back. It helped  and at least it made me sit and rest in the evenings I suppose but at the time I would have given anything to just have cuddled him the right way up!

Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash

My next tip is one for those who use a bottle to feed, formula or expressed milk.  I  changed to a different design bottle - some advertise themselves as being better for colicky babies. I'm not sure it really helped but it made me feel I was at least trying!

One study revealed that 49% of parents think that colic is the most distressing ailment their baby suffered with. I can see why - before I had DS#1 I just thought it was one of those terms parents bandy about to scare you like "sleepless nights" and "zero libido" but when we were hit with a colicky baby we realised colic is not just a word-it's like one of those dreadful Japanese endurance competitions.

I honestly thought we would never have another pleasant evening again - 6pm almost on the dot it would start, until about midnight. My top tip here if you even suspect colic would be speak as soon as possible to your GP, midwife, or health visitor who will know the latest tricks and maybe pop in and see your pharmacist and ask what products they might recommend.

If you are bottle or mix feeding your GP or health visitor may suggest changing formulas. My grandson was actually started on a type of formula under prescription as his "colic"turned out to be a dairy allergy which was being triggered by his formula feeds. Or it might be that the blend of formula you are using just does not agree with your baby's tummy and another might be better. If this turns out to be the case don't just throw away any unused formula- that stuff is expensive! Check out Sell Formula where you can make back some of your outlay selling unused formula.

Here are some suggestions which I thought might prove useful to anyone experiencing colic:

  • Try soothing baby with a gentle rocking motion by walking round the house while holding them. You could also try taking them out for a ride in the car as the vibration, noise, movement and change of scenery can be soothing.
  • Give your little one a gentle massage on their stomach.
  • Try giving your baby a colic remedy-chat to your friendly pharmacist to see if they can recommend something.
  • Hold your baby close so that they can  hear your heartbeat to help calm them.
  • Your baby spent months bathed in a warm amniotic fluid so try a warm, peaceful bath. 

I remember my husband taking our son for a drive down the nearby bypass and back - a round trip of about 40 minutes - to give me a break. I remember once falling asleep and realising he'd been gone for two hours. The car motion had sent baby to sleep so he'd pulled into a lay-by and had a nap himself!

Definitely don't be afraid to try remedies from the chemist like homeopathic colic granules which are pre-dosed you empty a sachet into baby's mouth as required. How handy to be able to carry round light-weight sachets of pre-measured doses of the granules which are suitable for most babies over 1 month old (check with your Dr before using especially if your baby is lactose intolerant or is taking medication).

So. You may have noticed in the title of this post I mentioned top tips on colic and chocolate. I've certainly given you a fair few tips about coping with colic but where does the chocolate come into it?

Ah well that's for you. You can have a couple of squares of chocolate, administered whenever necessary, up to your own set limit every day. Don't like chocolate?

 You can substitute a book, some trashy TV, biscuits or grapes- whatever feels like a treat. If you are a parent coping with a colicky baby, you deserve it. Take time to look after yourself and don't get too down about it all - this horrid stage will pass!

Photo by Lawrence Crayton on Unsplash