For many years I was a loyal Nokia customer. Until I got my first iPhone (version 3) when I completely converted to apple. Phone, iPad, iPod, MacBook Air.....and of course the apps designed for them.
Until recently I hadn't realised there were apps within Spotify. Take "My Songs" from music label USM for example.
This is apparently the first ever children's music-based discovery app on Spotify and has a great selection of tunes for all ages. Categories are split into under and over 5's and are perfect for parents of small children looking for lullabies at bedtime or music for car journeys, right through to older children who are looking for playlists for parties (there's a great one for anyone planning a forthcoming Halloween party!) and to make you look like a cooooool mum when other children come round for tea.
We had lots of fun playing with it and had a lovely singalong over pizza during a playdate recently and it comes in handy on my radio show , especially during the holidays when I knew listeners were more likely to have their children with them - I loved getting messages saying their child was singing or dancing along to the songs I was playing!
And I like to know what the weather is going to do so I have a couple of weather apps for comparison purposes. Add to that Viber, a VoiP app which I use to chat to my mum, especially when I'm out and about and my son's epilepsy seizure diary app and already I am up to three screens worth with the everyday icons for messages, email, calendar and music. Oh and the App store of course!
This to be fair is one of the most annoying things about the iPhone - it seems however much space hey give you you can fill it and then some. And iOS updates for some technical reason beyond me take a staggering 5MB plus of space to install. Insert heavy sigh of frustration here.
So it led me to wondering which of my many apps I could ditch, temporarily, to make room. (This was before I realised the sensible way to do this task was to sync to my computer physically, back up, clear, update then reinstall back-up)
Well Spotify is a must for me. I only have the free version but as a radio presenter with more talk talent than music knowledge it keeps me current and much less likely to play continuous Abba to the relief of my listeners.

This is apparently the first ever children's music-based discovery app on Spotify and has a great selection of tunes for all ages. Categories are split into under and over 5's and are perfect for parents of small children looking for lullabies at bedtime or music for car journeys, right through to older children who are looking for playlists for parties (there's a great one for anyone planning a forthcoming Halloween party!) and to make you look like a cooooool mum when other children come round for tea.
We had lots of fun playing with it and had a lovely singalong over pizza during a playdate recently and it comes in handy on my radio show , especially during the holidays when I knew listeners were more likely to have their children with them - I loved getting messages saying their child was singing or dancing along to the songs I was playing!
Another must-have is my Tube Map app - I use a free version which lets me plan my route, taking closures into account. So handy as I am in London a lot for blogger events. I love the PR companies who tell you the nearest tube station to their event - makes life so much easier! I am rubbish at working out which direction I am going so this app telling me what line and which direction (NSEW!) is a life saver!
It goes without saying that as a blogger I cannot do without my social network apps. Yep - my thumb automatically heads to the FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn buttons if I find myself with a spare minute or two. I have the nerve to call it work. Don't judge me!
My mobile banking app is vital as is my TomTom app. The sat-nav app cost me £60 but Ive had it for years, it replaced my ageing satnav and meant I didn't ever get stuck without one, I share the app with my husband who uses it every day for work and hearing Mr Burn's voice (which I paid a few quid more for) telling me which way to go cheers me up on the worst journeys!
I have a couple of news apps - I am news editor and a current affairs columnist for the Post 40 Bloggers website- so I like to keep abreast of what's happening.

If it were up to my children I could add a million "vital" games app but my only real must-have games apps are Farm Heros and Candy Mania. I keep solitaire on there too in case my husband runs out of battery on his phone - he gets twitchy without his solitaire fix!
Phew - that's a lot of must-have apps! And every time I get to spend time with my eldest son I end up with a few more he has discovered!
What are your favourite apps? Are there any you now can't imagine living without? I'd love to know!
Disclaimer: I was sent music CDs for my children in return for trying out USM's music app for children on Spotify. Views and opinions remain honest and my own.