Mince Pie Time and some Thank You's #mysundayphoto

Can you believe it's Christmas Eve? Almost turkey time but most definitely mince pie time! It's been a busy few weeks both at home and on the blogging front but I'm looking forward to the next few days celebrating with my family and friends

mince pies

To all who have supported me in the last year a big THANK YOU! Whether it's by leaving a comment on madmumof7 or picking my children up from school when I'm attending an event or RT-ing a post, I couldn't do it without you.

My experiences with PR people this year has once again been pretty much 100% fabulous so thanks to you and looking forward to working with you again in 2018.

Special mentions to May, Sally, Jenny and Steph in the blogging world and Gemma, Lucas, Jane, Karen and Claire in the non-blogging world without whom 2017 would have been a lot more stressful and a lot less fun!

A big kiss to my husband and the rest of my immediate family who have posed for pictures, eaten odd things at odd times and been continuously supportive even when I'm stressed and slightly neglectful because of work.

And to you, dear reader, the biggest thank you as without you this whole enterprise would be pointless!

Happy Christmas!