Pamper Tips for Busy Mums

No-one could argue that I am a busy mum. Barely a day goes by when I don't race round like a headless chicken but I have learned that if I don't build in time for myself I am no good to anyone else.

stressed mum meme

Take yesterday for instance. I wrote a blog post before 8am, did the school run, popped to the supermarket, moved some furniture round tone able to fit in my son's desk so he can be comfortable while he writes his dissertation during the Easter holidays, cleaned up all the mess revealed by said furniture moving then sorted lunch.

Then I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, picked the children up from school and work and hurtled into town to buy urgently needed shoes. (Why do they always tell you they've outgrown them at 8am on Monday morning?)

Dinner sorted and I've just sat down - to write another blog post and work my way through the emails I couldn't answer via mobile phone on the hoof.

Luckily I have a few tips on how even mums as busy as me can pamper themselves. Even just a few minutes of "me time" can revitalise and reenergise leaving us free to get on with being superwoman the rest of the time.

Mini-mani/pedi. This can be as cheap or as luxurious as you like. Occasionally I like to take myself off to a nail bar and have gels on my fingers and a professional polish job on my toes complete with nail art. However when time and funds are tight I also enjoy a DIY mini manicure and pedicure.

Cath Kidston inspired nails

I retire to my room, use some nice rich moisturiser on my hands and feet and then treat my nails to a proper tidy up, clipping, filing and polishing. The great thing about traditional polish is that you can't do anything else while it's wet so put some relaxing music on or something you like on the TV and relax until it is well and truly dry.

If your children are too young to understand they have to wait until your nails dry maybe invest in an LED/UV lamp and special polish. You can buy starter kits including the lamp online for around £25 (about the same as the cost of one set of gels in a salon) and the whole process becomes a lot faster AND the polish will be more durable.

Facetime. By which I mean treat your face to some pampering care with a good cleanse followed by a nice face mask and moisturiser.  Build your face mask time into a lovely bubbly bath and you can kill two birds with one stone and hopefully if your bathroom door has a lock on it you can avoid being pestered too much. Under no circumstances allow anyone to use the toilet while you are in there. That will NOT give you the spa style experience you are hoping for.

Spa Bargains. If you've never been to a spa put it on your bucket list right now. Many spas, even the world class residential ones beloved by soap stars have regular deals which make them more affordable.  My local spa has evening sessions for under £50 which includes loan of the nice white bathrobes, free slippers to take home, use of the facilities like pool, gym and sauna and a three course supper.

You might have to hunt on the websites or sign up for emails to get the offers, or you could try those online discount sites which offer regular offers on everything from saucepans to spa days.

Your Crowning Glory. If your hair looks good, you feel good. Many mums scrape back their hair into a casual pony tail most of the time and save bothering with a "do" for special occasions. If your hair is too much to manage for the school run, or you've had the same look for years you should definitely think about getting a re-style which could cut valuable time from your morning routine and years from your face.

If there's a mum in the playground whose hair you've admired, ask where she gets it cut and/or coloured. Or ask friends for recommendations if your stylist's efforts don't make you feel like a glorious goddess any more.

If you live in London there are some top salons London has to offer. It can be hard to pick a salon in a big city where there are so many choices so look for one with an atmosphere you feel comfortable in. Many offer multiple services so you can get your nails done and enjoy a coffee, a glass of fizz or even lunch while your hair is getting a makeover. Perfect for a busy mum with not much time to spare.
