Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Busy Mums

Juggling a healthy diet and lifestyle, with a hectic home life and a career on top can be tough to manage if you are a Mum. It is all too easy to give in to your family’s requests for less than healthy, fried food or processed meals rather than taking the time to cook up a storm in the kitchen that is also lower in fat and calories and healthier for you too. 

So, if you are a mum that is looking to slim down and shape up, or perhaps you are worried about your waistline and the impacts that this could have on your overall health, then worry not. If you are looking to make lasting changes, that will not only have a positive impact on your health, but will ultimately benefit your family too, then read on to find out how you can all get fitter and feel better about yourselves.

Before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes, it is crucial that you and your family book in for a health check at your local doctors or GP. Remember that this is the ideal time to discuss any family history or illnesses, such as cancer and diabetes, and will provide you with a safe and confidential space in which you can talk through any concerns or aches and pains that you are currently suffering from – that are causing you to feel upset and worried. 

During a routine visit to the doctors, you can expect your height and weight to be logged, so that an accurate calculation of your body mass index (BMI) can be noted down. Once you have this number, you will be able to work out if you are in a healthy or obese weight category, and the steps that you need to take so that you can begin to create a calorie deficit and ultimately shift those stubborn pounds. Do not feel upset if you are heavier than you thought, the fact that you are at the doctors and ready to make a change, is a sign that you are looking to work towards a healthier and happier new you. 

Eat breakfast
If you are trying to lose weight, but are finding it hard to shift those stubborn pounds, then you will need to sit down and work out exactly what you are eating on a daily basis. Start off your food diary with looking at your breakfast choices, or lack of them. The biggest mistake that many people make when trying to lose weight is failing to start the day with this important meal, essential for boosting your metabolism and providing you with the energy to face the day. 

If you usually grab a coffee and a cake on the way to the office, then try replacing these high sugar, high fat options with a bowl of muesli or fresh fruit, so that you still feel full and ready for whatever life decides to throw your way. Breakfast is essential if you are looking to begin to make healthier choices, and there are options to suit you no matter how busy you are. 

Rethink what you are eating
Did you know that the foods that you are eating could also be preventing you from losing weight? So if you follow a diet that is full of carbohydrates and is high in sugars and fats, then your body may not be able to break these down efficiently, causing you to gain weight rather than slim down. If you are trying to shift some stubborn weight, then try replacing large portions of potato and white rice, with quinoa or sweet potato to keep you feeling full and satisfied without going hungry. 

Try out the boiled egg diet as an effective way to get your weight loss off to a good start. You may also want to rethink how you plan and prepare your meals for the week, in particular if you are preparing several different meal options each evening as this is neither cost effective nor the ideal way for you to stay in control of what your family are eating. Sit down with your kids and discuss what foods they want to eat this week. Then you can get chopping, slicing and preparing, so you only need to grab a few options out of the freezer or fridge, ready for you to heat up and serve. 

Get moving
If you are busy mum, then you can still take time to workout and exercise to help you to shape up and feel good. In fact, exercise does not just benefit your body, it is also ideal to help you keep a positive mindset and can make you feel full of energy and ready to face the day. If you struggle to leave the house to go to the gym, then try turning your housework into your exercise routine. 

Running up and down the stairs and after your little ones is the ideal way to burn a few calories. Similarly, if you have a group of friends that you usually socialize with, then replace the coffee and cake with a jog or a walk in the park, so that you can enjoy each others company while slimming down and shaping up at the same time. Exercise need not feel like a chore, in fact, by making just a few changes to your mindset and the way that you move, you will soon be slimmer and happier too. 

If you are busy mum and are looking to slim down and shape up, then you can still make a few positive changes that will help you feel better and even lose a few pounds. Try rethinking your meal planning and take time to enjoy a healthy breakfast to kick your metabolism into action. Remember to get moving as this is the perfect way to burn calories and shift stubborn fat. Finally, get meal planning so that you can cook up healthy versions of family favourites, that your entire family will enjoy – without even tasting the difference.  

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