As I was chasing my kids around the house this past week, just about ready to pull my hair out, I began brainstorming for ideas of productive things that would keep them busy.
So, of course, one of the first things that came to my mind was crafts – genius idea, right? Every kid loves to do a craft.
But, I didn’t want to just do the basic act of handing them a blank sheet of paper, a few markers, and telling them to draw something interesting. Instead, I wanted to give them a project with a set of instructions and see how they enjoyed it.
One of my favorite parts of crafting is the basic life skills that it teaches children. Through crafts, they can improve their critical thinking, their creativity, their self-control, and more.
So, I took a look around trying to come up with anything creative for them to do…
Then it dawned on me – leaves are all on the ground right now and are perfect for crafting.
So, here are a few fall leaf craft ideas I am going to try with my kids and you might want to try them with yours.
- Leaf Doodling This is an easier one – so, if you have a child with a very short attention span, though don’t we all, or they are very young, this is a great starter craft. Simply go outside and let them pick out a few of their favorite leaves. Next, have them use glue to secure the leaves to a blank piece of paper. Finally, give them a few metallic sharpies and let them draw all over the leaves and in the remaining white space of the paper if they desire.
- Leaf Garland One thing just about every kid loves are something that shines. They love something sparkly, something bright, and something shiny. So, this leaf garland makes the perfect décor for their room and is something they can do on their own. Simply go outside and let them pick out their favorite leaves. Then, grab a glitter stick and have them trace the veins of the leaves. Once they dry, you can use clothes pins and some yarn to string them along, almost like Christmas lights.
- Tissue Leaf This is a great project if you don’t want to make too big of a mess or don’t have direct access to leaves outside…Grab a solid white piece of paper – or another color if your child would prefer – and draw the outline of a leaf on it. Then, hand them a few different colors of tissue paper and let them tear pieces off and glue them inside the outline to create a fully colored leaf.
- Leaf People This craft can easily be done using acorns and sticks or you could use pipe cleaners and plastic googly eyes. Grab a leaf from outside and use either the acorns or googly eyes to add eyes to the leaf. Then, you could use acorns, Cheerios, or something similar to glue onto the leaf in the shape of a smile. Lastly, add the sticks or pipe cleaner as arms and legs coming off of the stem of the leaf.
- Leaf Puppets This is a great project to do in connection with project No. 4, too. Start by making leaf people using the instructions in project No. 4, but don’t add the arms or legs. Instead, at that point, attach the leaf to a popsicle stick, make a few more and you will have an entire cast for a leaf puppet show!
- Leaf Owls I think this one is my all-time favorite, but I just really adore owls – they’re real hoots! Use scissors and paper to help your child cut out the components of an owl – their rounded body, their pointy ears, their big eyes, pointed feet, and their small nose. Next, attach all the parts together to create the owl – the things will still be missing. But, this is where the leaves come in…Attach one leaf on either side of the owl to act as your new little friend’s wings.
- Turkey Leaf Lanterns The end product of this craft makes great décor for your holiday table. Similar to how you did the owl, use scissors and paper to cut out all the components of a turkey except their feathers. Grab a mason jar and assemble the turkey on the mason jar. Next, stick some leaves behind the body of the turkey to act as the feathers. To finish it up, stick a candle in the mason jar for some light.
- Fall Wreath Making with Leaves I don’t know about you, but I love a good wreath! My kids always seem me hanging one on our front door and ask if they can hang one on their bedroom door. So, that is how we started doing this craft. Cut the center out of a paper plate so you are left with a wreath. Go outside with your child and have them pick out several of their favorite leaves. Using glue, have them attach those leaves all around the edges of the paper plate. Voila!
- Leaf Monsters My kids love this craft because it pretty much gives them free reign and just to let you in on a secret – these monsters aren’t scary. I typically have my kids grab a few leaves from outside and then lay out paper, stickers, pom poms, google eyes and whatever else I can find. Then, give them some glue and let them go to town! They can attach any of the accessories to create their own little monster.
- Leaf Lions This one is super simple but very cute! Draw the face of a lion on a piece of paper – or have your child draw it. But, don’t do an outline just draw the nose, mouth, and eyes. Next, have your child pick out only yellow leaves and then glue them around the face to create the lion’s mane.
- Leaf Painting Again, have your child grab a few leaves from outside. Next, gently tape them to a piece of paper. Have your child color or paint around the leaves. Once they are done, simply remove the leaves and the outline of the leaves will still remain. Now, they have just created their own fall masterpiece.
- Fall Leaf Prompt A great way to improve your child’s creativity skills is to simply have them use a leaf as a prompt. Set a leaf next to them, give them some markers or crayons, and a blank piece of paper. Then, their job is to simply draw what they see.
Which fall leaf craft is your favorite?