Tips and Tricks on Saving Money When You’re a Work-at-Home Mom

calculator and receipt
Being a work-at-home mom can be challenging and fulfilling at the same time. On the one hand, working in a place where you also live tends to get you distracted with things other than work, like doing chores or looking after a child. On the other hand, it offers more flexibility, from working hours to choosing what to wear. Breakfast in pyjamas while checking emails? No problem.

But one of the greatest things about working from home is being able to save money. Expenses that usually come with an office job, like transportation fare and food, are skipped. However, this may not be enough. After all, raising a family and running a household can be costly.

To save even more and earn a few more bucks, take advantage of your flexibility and extra time while being a work-at-home mom. Try the tips listed below.

1.  Start Selling Online
Decluttering and organizing the house will reveal lots of unnecessary things. Turn old items into cash instead of letting them gather dust in the attic. Some things aren’t being used anymore or are unwanted, so it’s better to earn money out of them.
It’s easy to set up an online shop to sell secondhand items or any item, for that matter. Utilize various avenues like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or even Craigslist. More potential buyers can be reached online.
There’s no harm in selling things online to earn more money for necessities. It’s better to have petty cash that can be spent on surprise expenses or emergencies.
2.   Buy Secondhand Items
Before deciding on buying a new add-on to your home or wardrobe, consider secondhand items. Many things are still in great quality even though they cost only a fraction of the original price. Buying secondhand items saves money and also saves the environment.
Exercise equipment, hand tools, and sports gear are usually sold because of a change in lifestyle or trade. Even if these items were used frequently, they can still do the job very well, unlike gadgets. If they’re still in good condition, then there’s no reason not to buy them.
A lot of thrift stores have really great clothes. Sometimes, they have branded clothes that still have the original price tags on them. It takes time to look through a whole shop in search of good finds, but it’s worth it.
Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels. A handful of dollars
3.   Avoid Eating Out
Some only eat out when it’s a special occasion, and that’s perfectly okay. Families with kids should take advantage of restaurant promos that allow children to eat for free. What’s not good is choosing to eat at restaurants or fast-food chains just because cooking takes time.
It’s always cheaper to cook meals in the house, so plan your meals and go grocery shopping. Also, home-cooked meals are more nutritious than fast food is. It’s way better to eat the food at home, not just to save money but also to be healthier.
Making a meal plan helps families stay on track. Always monitor how much money goes to eating out. People will eventually realize that it costs more than they initially thought.
4.   Make a Budget, and Stick to It
Saving money is a real struggle when there’s no clear budget for anything. Budgeting is important because it disciplines people when it comes to what they should really spend on. To create a budget, record all sources of income, and list down all monthly expenses.
If the income is higher than the expenses, that is a good sign. If it’s the opposite, adjustments have to be made. Set aside money for fixed expenses like rent, electricity, and other bills.
Analyze where the rest of the money goes, and think of ways to lessen it. Others try the 50/20/30 rule popularized by Elizabeth Warren. It sets aside 50 percent of the income for needs, 30 percent for wants, and 20 percent for the savings.
5.   Save All Gift Cards and Coupons
The first instinct upon getting flyers and coupons may be to throw them away, but don’t! There is always the possibility of using them or even combining them. No matter how small, these discounts can pile up and save you a lot of money in the long run.
There are coupons for everything now—groceries, cleaning products, office supplies, even pet food. Whether physical or digital, any coupon is essentially free money that can be used as savings.
A good trick is to make a separate email address just for coupons and offers. Subscribe to the newsletters of stores and manufacturers to receive their advertisements and deals. Check that email account regularly to be up-to-date on the latest promos.
Don’t Buy Things That Aren’t Needed
Remember that anything unnecessary is expensive, so don’t buy items just because they’re cheap. If something is at 50 percent off but it’s not needed, then it’s still costly. Stick to the budget, and have self-restraint when it comes to shopping.