Eye Catching Custom Business Cards from Aura Print- Review

First impressions are vital, especially in the personality-led world of online content creators, so I feel it's important to be on point with everything from my outfit to my business cards. Yes, even in the digital industry business cards are still a great way for clients to remember you after that initial meet and greet.

Aura Print business card, black with holographic pattern and writing "madmumof7"

I've been blogging for almost a decade now and seen massive changes even in that relatively short time. Back in the "mummy blogger" heyday it was fine to rock up to events and meetings fresh from the school run and proffer a "one size fits all" card made in one of those machines at the shopping centre.

My website has evolved with time as I have developed from "that woman with 7 kids" back to the confident writer I was before I had them. Don't get me wrong, I adore my children but it's easy to lose yourself in the everyday grind of parenting. Now I spend my days doing what I love, alongside being Mum. Some days I do amazing things, meet amazing people, mingle with celebs and eat fabulous food. And other days I write SEO stuff in my PJs - it's all good!

madmumof7 with Heston Blumenthal

For years I've had the same printed business cards hitting the 'reorder" button when necessary and while they've been well received it was definitely time for a change.

My old cards featured birds. There is no apparent reason for this apart from the fact I liked the image on the website when I was creating the cards with no inspiration or assistance and I thought they were apt as I'm a bit of a mad old bird.

Now however I feel my inner fabulousness is emerging as I stride into my 50's and although I'm going grey there's nothing graceful about me. I wanted something to reflect my love of all things dramatic, rainbows and shiny things.

With the help of the amazing talented designers at Aura Print I think I have managed just that! (GIFTED)

madmumof7 business cards from Aura Print

Let me tell you a bit about Aura Print.

Aura Print are a boutique printer who specialise in creating fantastic business cards that promote your brand and give amazing first impressions. They take pride in curating and producing custom print jobs with a huge range of customisation options that other printers simply cannot match.

From magnetic cards for clients to keep on the fridge to hard wearing waterproof, plastic and quality laminated cards which will be around long after competitor's cards have disintegrated, you can choose a variety of sizes, shapes and finishes to create something truly unique. You can get painted edges, choose the weight of the card, go for recycled materials or add some sparkle with a pearlescent or metallic foil finish.

Feel free to get creative yourself or, if like me, you need a little help, work with their highly experienced printers and designers who will offer advice and suggestions to help you build something you can really be proud of.

From my vague suggestion that I liked rainbows and shiny things and that I kinda liked one of the designs on their website, I worked with an extremely responsive designer who even via email very quickly "got" my vibe and produced a selection of designs for me to tweak.

Once all the details to go onto the cards had been checked and double checked, my metallic foiled business cards arrived quickly, beautifully packed into sturdy lidded storage boxes, and so far everyone who has seen them has been wowed.

Aura Print business cards for madmumof7 in plastic box with lid

They feel lovely. They are nice and thick and exude quality. But it's the finish that I love with an ever changing holographic effect which teamed with black I think is striking and yet still easy to read.

I'm not sure whether I prefer the front or the back - I'd be happy for a client to be handed them either way round.
Aura Print business cards for madmumof7 - front view

Aura Print business cards for madmumof7- back view

As life in our industry returns to something resembling pre-covid times I cannot wait to get back out there with a new zest for smashing it in my little corner of the internet and meeting a whole load of new people armed with my fabulous new cards. Luckily I have 250 so I can be generous in handing them out.

I love them so much I am working on changing aspects of my website to reflect the new cards. However writing is my talent and passion and IT very much a late in life learned skill so it might take me a while - watch this space!