Five Signs Your Car Needs An Engineer Visit

Whether it’s the flashing light of doom on your dashboard to something not feeling quite right when you hit the brakes, a car doesn’t always run efficiently. Sometimes, it needs a bit of TLC in the form of an engineer visit.

But how do you know your car is in need of an update? There are perhaps a number of signs that would indicate your car needs a trip to the engineer. Here are five signs that would be an indication of such.

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Flat-looking tyres

Tyres will often look a little deflated when it comes to driving on the road. Over time you’ll need to get these reinflated at a local gas station, so it’s always good to be mindful and do a quick check before driving off.

However, there might be times when tyres look alarmingly flat all of a sudden and you’re not sure why. If they suddenly go flat, then it might be a puncture or a burst tyre that needs attention fast. Seeking a tyre repair service is worth getting instead of continuing to drive on it and ignoring the problem.

You hear strange noises when the car engine starts

You will likely know your car very well by now unless it’s brand new and you’ve only had it for the past few days. However, if for the most part, it’s been something you’ve driven at least a dozen or so times, you will be well aware of any unusual noises that suddenly begin when you turn the key or push the button to start the engine.

This is something you should take seriously because when you trust your gut and hear a strange sound, chances are there’s something wrong with the car.

Something doesn’t feel right when driving

When driving, pay attention to how the car feels. If there’s anything you notice when you’re driving that’s not quite the usual, then this is also a clear sign that you should get the car seen to.

There’s a warning light flashing up on the dashboard

Warning lights are always a clear indicator that something’s wrong when they flash up on the dashboard. However, drivers will tend to ignore them, especially if it’s not an icon that’s clearly recognizable.

If you see a warning light flashing, thne be sure to consult your car user manual to see what or how serious the warning light is.

An unusual odor

An unusual odor is often concerning and even if it doesn’t smell like gas, then it could still be something dangerous and often enough, should deter you from starting the car and driving it off your drive. Instead, make sure to call an engineer immediately, describe the smell and perhaps it will be something that the engineer could suggest it is.

A car that needs an engineer visit is often one that can be seen before it becomes too much of a problem. Underlying issues can often be resolved quickly if the driver is quick to act.