Skullduggery - A Game of Treasure & Treachery

My 23 year old is slightly pirate obsessed. Not so much with the modern day murderers of course but the old skool, peg-legged, parrot owning fellas who love rum and a sea shanty and maybe a little bit of mayhem on the high seas. They even have their own very cool pirate outfit - well, minus the hat which got lost at a party. I knew they would love this new game, Skullduggery, for two to 6 players aged 8+.

skullduggery game box

Skullduggery is a new game which is addictive and great for the whole family. Avast, ye me hearties, it’s time to divide the plundered booty in this cunning card game of treasure and treachery. Will you make off with your fair share of the doubloons or will you be double-crossed by your sneaky shipmates? Swap and switch the spoils as you swindle your way to acquiring the most loot! Give no quarter as you use the Skullduggery tokens to hoodwink yer mateys and ransack their riches. It’s the game of piratical pilfering that separates the seasoned sea dogs from the listless landlubbers! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

The box contains cards, Skullduggery tokens and of course a set of rules which seems a little un-pirate-like but what's a game without rules?

Four of us aged 18-25 played the game and soon realised that although skill is handy,  the chances of winning the game are more heavily influenced by luck and how piratey your fellow players are. There was much Skullduggery going on with our group!

skullduggery game cards and tokens on patterned carpet

Don't be put off with the first read through of the how to play leaflet - you soon get the hang of it and more importantly soon learn how to use the cards to your own advantage, or to the disadvantage of other players.

Skullduggery is a lot of fun and given the fact it's quite compact would make the idea game to take on holiday or to bring out at parties and family gatherings. Just make sure there are no pistols or swords around in case another player decides to get revenge for a particularly treacherous move!

Disclaimer: I was gifted Skullduggery for the purpose of this honest review.