CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels
Managing remote work when you have a family is something of a challenge that even the most patient parent can have trouble with. However, it doesn't need to be. With the right tools, some small changes and a can-do attitude, you will be firing off just as much as if you're at the office! So, where do you begin? From using AI virtual assistants to the best apps for working from home, here are some handy suggestions to get you started with work and family bliss.
Enlist Professional Services
There are tons of things you can do and tons you can't! When working from home, either as an employee or when self-employed, you only need to focus on your job. And that can be hard enough! So why stress yourself out trying to do things someone else can do better? For example, you can use an online printer service to create personalised family schedules. And what about IT? A managed service can keep your computer running safely and securely.
Managing Remote Work with Al Assistants
AI assistants are very popular these days. We all have them on our phones and in our homes. Alexa and Siri are the two most popular. In the US alone, over 135 million people use an AI virtual assistant. Here are some examples of how you can use them yourself for remote work:
Ask your AI assistant to provide reminders for taking breaks or meetings.
Connect your AI assistant to your calendar so you never miss scheduled events.
Ask your AI for input about the work you are doing, as it could provide insights.
Use ChatGPT to quickly craft emails and other texts that don't require originality.
Create profiles across connected devices for the perfect working environment.
When you work so hard it can be easy to forget about something, but an AI never forgets to remind you! With a connection to unlimited info, an AI assistant can provide quick answers. Lighting, music and even scheduled coffee are all possible using AI-enabled devices.
Create a Safe Space to Work
A great workspace goes a long way when working from home. Comfort is something mentioned later on. However, you also need a safe space. Safety at home is your responsibility. So think about the space in which you work. When using a PC, internet and printers, there are always cables. Ensure your office space is free from hazards by using cable tidies and tucking them away. This reduces tripping, but also ensures you don't pull the plug and lose sensitive data!
Ask Family to Help with Chores
One of the biggest challenges about being at home is the distraction of family. However, you can put them to good use! Even with some extra time by not having to commute, life at home is still a part of your day. But that doesn't mean you don't have to work as hard. The other family members can pitch in and help with chores, taking a task off your hands. Having to deal with these kinds of tasks can pull you from your flow, ruin the routine and lower productivity.
Dedicate a Quiet Time for Working
Of course, with children in the home, you are never really guaranteed to remove all distractions. However, while your work should have minimal impact on their routine, there also needs to be some rules the other way around. Dedicating a quiet time for work between certain hours means everyone knows they should respect your time. For the most part, your working day won't be interrupted when your kids are at school. But there will always be overlap when they get home.
Enlist Childcare Services if Needed
Younger children can get in the way of working from home. One of the most beneficial things about remote work is that you can be there for your children more. However, there are times when work needs to be prioritised. Suppose you have a deadline, but the children keep distracting you. This could result in decreased work quality. Even if it is for a couple of days a week, childcare service can be a Godsend when you need to get important work done.
Make a Plan for Managing Remote Work
As Benjamin Franklin famously stated, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail". Managing remote work is no different. A survey from 2022 found that 44% of UK workers work from home partially or fully. Today, the figure is probably a little higher, and you may need a plan for it.
Have a solid structure for working from home
Using a schedule is the best way to create a solid work from home structure. Decide how to begin each day and how to end it. This should sandwich tasks ordered by priority for each day. Turn off any notifications that aren't work-related and stick to your rules about work and family.
Come to an arrangement with your employer
Remote work has been a Godsend for many businesses. However, many are doing a 180 on working from these days, at the displeasure of many employees. However, you can come to an arrangement with your employer about which methods work best for all parties involved.
Ask for more or less time at home, depending on your specific needs.
Come into the office for critical meetings and working days that need your input.
Regularly assess the productivity of your remote work against office work.
A home-friendly career isn't always the best solution, and some work better in the office. You may also benefit from an office visit by attending every now and then. This can also be used to assess whether you are staying on track with work tasks and working just as well at home.
Keep your workspace organised
It is hard to get things done when your workspace is in disarray. Keeping a clean and tidy desk is a proven way to stay productive and safe. But it also extends to your computer. You can lose track of vital digital documents with an unorganised filing system on your laptop or PC.
Remove Things that are Distractions
It might sound obvious, but you really do need to remove anything that can distract you. The smartphone, TV and even radio are good examples. Phones have a tendency to go off when we don't need them, so turn off those notifications! The TV will have your head turning every few minutes when you are supposed to be working. And radio? Studies have found that we are actually less productive when listening to music, especially when it is through headphones.
Have a Solid Breakfast Routine
Starting the day right is different for everyone. However, it is vital you do what is best for your personal benefit. If you don't like to eat in the morning, that's fine. But hunger can be a massive distraction. At the very least, have a cold or hot beverage, and ensure you take any medication you rely upon. Of course, personal grooming is also a major advantage for feeling better in the morning. Take a shower, brush your teeth and dress in appropriate clothing for your work.
Take Small Breaks if You Use a Computer
Using a computer all day has been linked to severe health problems, especially if you don't exercise. You are at a greater risk of varicose veins, blood clots, RSI and weight gain by sitting at a desk all day. Every hour or so, get up and stretch a little. You can also take a little walk around the home. However, if you want something more substantial, you can even buy a standing desk and a walking pad to avoid RSI and get a little workout while doing your job!
Prioritise Your Comfort
Comfort extends beyond a nice chair! A great chair and a suitable desk will help reduce strain injuries. However, you also need to think about the temperature. Being at home all day means high energy bills, so ensure you factor this into your monthly expenses. You will need a warm space in winter and a cool space in summer for increased comfort. If you aren't comfortable, you won't be as productive as you can be and may even grow to hate working from home.
Managing Remote Work with Apps
When working from home, you may rely on several tools. There are a few apps that almost every business uses. Today, over 80% of workers use at least one collaboration tool, whether at the office, at home or when self-employed. Here are a few that can streamline your workday:
CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels
Managing remote work when you have a family is something of a challenge that even the most patient parent can have trouble with. However, it doesn't need to be. With the right tools, some small changes and a can-do attitude, you will be firing off just as much as if you're at the office! So, where do you begin? From using AI virtual assistants to the best apps for working from home, here are some handy suggestions to get you started with work and family bliss.
Enlist Professional Services
There are tons of things you can do and tons you can't! When working from home, either as an employee or when self-employed, you only need to focus on your job. And that can be hard enough! So why stress yourself out trying to do things someone else can do better? For example, you can use an online printer service to create personalised family schedules. And what about IT? A managed service can keep your computer running safely and securely.
Managing Remote Work with Al Assistants
AI assistants are very popular these days. We all have them on our phones and in our homes. Alexa and Siri are the two most popular. In the US alone, over 135 million people use an AI virtual assistant. Here are some examples of how you can use them yourself for remote work:
Ask your AI assistant to provide reminders for taking breaks or meetings.
Connect your AI assistant to your calendar so you never miss scheduled events.
Ask your AI for input about the work you are doing, as it could provide insights.
Use ChatGPT to quickly craft emails and other texts that don't require originality.
Create profiles across connected devices for the perfect working environment.
When you work so hard it can be easy to forget about something, but an AI never forgets to remind you! With a connection to unlimited info, an AI assistant can provide quick answers. Lighting, music and even scheduled coffee are all possible using AI-enabled devices.
Create a Safe Space to Work
A great workspace goes a long way when working from home. Comfort is something mentioned later on. However, you also need a safe space. Safety at home is your responsibility. So think about the space in which you work. When using a PC, internet and printers, there are always cables. Ensure your office space is free from hazards by using cable tidies and tucking them away. This reduces tripping, but also ensures you don't pull the plug and lose sensitive data!
Ask Family to Help with Chores
One of the biggest challenges about being at home is the distraction of family. However, you can put them to good use! Even with some extra time by not having to commute, life at home is still a part of your day. But that doesn't mean you don't have to work as hard. The other family members can pitch in and help with chores, taking a task off your hands. Having to deal with these kinds of tasks can pull you from your flow, ruin the routine and lower productivity.
Dedicate a Quiet Time for Working
Of course, with children in the home, you are never really guaranteed to remove all distractions. However, while your work should have minimal impact on their routine, there also needs to be some rules the other way around. Dedicating a quiet time for work between certain hours means everyone knows they should respect your time. For the most part, your working day won't be interrupted when your kids are at school. But there will always be overlap when they get home.
Enlist Childcare Services if Needed
Younger children can get in the way of working from home. One of the most beneficial things about remote work is that you can be there for your children more. However, there are times when work needs to be prioritised. Suppose you have a deadline, but the children keep distracting you. This could result in decreased work quality. Even if it is for a couple of days a week, childcare service can be a Godsend when you need to get important work done.
Make a Plan for Managing Remote Work
As Benjamin Franklin famously stated, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail". Managing remote work is no different. A survey from 2022 found that 44% of UK workers work from home partially or fully. Today, the figure is probably a little higher, and you may need a plan for it.
Have a solid structure for working from home
Using a schedule is the best way to create a solid work from home structure. Decide how to begin each day and how to end it. This should sandwich tasks ordered by priority for each day. Turn off any notifications that aren't work-related and stick to your rules about work and family.
Come to an arrangement with your employer
Remote work has been a Godsend for many businesses. However, many are doing a 180 on working from these days, at the displeasure of many employees. However, you can come to an arrangement with your employer about which methods work best for all parties involved.
Ask for more or less time at home, depending on your specific needs.
Come into the office for critical meetings and working days that need your input.
Regularly assess the productivity of your remote work against office work.
A home-friendly career isn't always the best solution, and some work better in the office. You may also benefit from an office visit by attending every now and then. This can also be used to assess whether you are staying on track with work tasks and working just as well at home.
Keep your workspace organised
It is hard to get things done when your workspace is in disarray. Keeping a clean and tidy desk is a proven way to stay productive and safe. But it also extends to your computer. You can lose track of vital digital documents with an unorganised filing system on your laptop or PC.
Remove Things that are Distractions
It might sound obvious, but you really do need to remove anything that can distract you. The smartphone, TV and even radio are good examples. Phones have a tendency to go off when we don't need them, so turn off those notifications! The TV will have your head turning every few minutes when you are supposed to be working. And radio? Studies have found that we are actually less productive when listening to music, especially when it is through headphones.
Have a Solid Breakfast Routine
Starting the day right is different for everyone. However, it is vital you do what is best for your personal benefit. If you don't like to eat in the morning, that's fine. But hunger can be a massive distraction. At the very least, have a cold or hot beverage, and ensure you take any medication you rely upon. Of course, personal grooming is also a major advantage for feeling better in the morning. Take a shower, brush your teeth and dress in appropriate clothing for your work.
Take Small Breaks if You Use a Computer
Using a computer all day has been linked to severe health problems, especially if you don't exercise. You are at a greater risk of varicose veins, blood clots, RSI and weight gain by sitting at a desk all day. Every hour or so, get up and stretch a little. You can also take a little walk around the home. However, if you want something more substantial, you can even buy a standing desk and a walking pad to avoid RSI and get a little workout while doing your job!
Prioritise Your Comfort
Comfort extends beyond a nice chair! A great chair and a suitable desk will help reduce strain injuries. However, you also need to think about the temperature. Being at home all day means high energy bills, so ensure you factor this into your monthly expenses. You will need a warm space in winter and a cool space in summer for increased comfort. If you aren't comfortable, you won't be as productive as you can be and may even grow to hate working from home.
Managing Remote Work with Apps
When working from home, you may rely on several tools. There are a few apps that almost every business uses. Today, over 80% of workers use at least one collaboration tool, whether at the office, at home or when self-employed. Here are a few that can streamline your workday:
Apps like Slack are excellent for collaboration and working on projects remotely.
Zoom and Teams are great for keeping in touch with people and attending meetings.
You can track and manage workflows with in-office teams using apps like Asana.
Google Workspace and similar apps offer all-in-one cloud-based office tool solutions.
You can use Todoist to create personal task lists and track progress across devices.
Collaboration apps are invaluable if you work with others on projects. Project management apps are also pretty useful and can keep everyone's personal goals on track. However, goals often require individual tasks, and there are some task apps that make this easier than ever before.
Stay in Touch with the Office
You may work from home when self-employed, and there is no need to touch base with an employer if this is the case. However, it is critical that you stay in touch with colleagues when working from home for a long period. Some employers actually make this a requirement, too. You may be asked to join daily or weekly Teams or Zoom calls. These can be a chore sometimes, but they are valuable for ensuring everyone is staying on task across projects.
Using professional services to do things you can't help takes some stress when managing remote work with a family to look after. Of course, a solid plan will also ensure you are able to power through your day. Staying in touch with colleagues also helps keep you on track.
- Apps like Slack are excellent for collaboration and working on projects remotely.
Zoom and Teams are great for keeping in touch with people and attending meetings.
You can track and manage workflows with in-office teams using apps like Asana.
Google Workspace and similar apps offer all-in-one cloud-based office tool solutions.
You can use Todoist to create personal task lists and track progress across devices.
Collaboration apps are invaluable if you work with others on projects. Project management apps are also pretty useful and can keep everyone's personal goals on track. However, goals often require individual tasks, and there are some task apps that make this easier than ever before.
Stay in Touch with the Office
You may work from home when self-employed, and there is no need to touch base with an employer if this is the case. However, it is critical that you stay in touch with colleagues when working from home for a long period. Some employers actually make this a requirement, too. You may be asked to join daily or weekly Teams or Zoom calls. These can be a chore sometimes, but they are valuable for ensuring everyone is staying on task across projects.
Using professional services to do things you can't help takes some stress when managing remote work with a family to look after. Of course, a solid plan will also ensure you are able to power through your day. Staying in touch with colleagues also helps keep you on track.