How Braces Can Give You the Smile You've Always Wanted?

Do you feel self-conscious about your smile? Do you try to avoid showing your teeth in photos? Are you envious of other kids with perfect pearly whites? You're not alone, millions of teens deal with crooked, gapped or crowded teeth. Luckily, today's braces from experts like Bonner Orthodontics can help transform your smile into something you're proud to show off.

Photo by <a href="">Lesly Juarez</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

In this post, we'll look at how braces work to realign your teeth. We'll also explore all the ways braces give you a whole new look. You'll learn about the latest styles and see before-and-after photos of real braces journeys. By the end, you'll be excited about the makeover braces that can give your smile and confidence.

How Do Braces Work Their Magic?

Before we go into the incredible transformations we'll take a look at what braces accomplish. Braces utilize gentle force to align your teeth over the course of. These are the most important parts:

Brackets - These are small squares of glue that attach to the tooth. They act as handles, which is why the dentist can move your teeth.

Wires – The orthodontist puts a wire into brackets. By altering the shape and the tightness of this wire during appointments, it exerts pressure that gradually shifts teeth.

Ligatures - Tiny loops of elastic or metal hold the wire to brackets. Ligatures hold everything in place but let the wire to move.

The constant pressure of this system gradually moves your teeth to the correct position. It's a partnership. Take your part by avoiding hard or sticky foods, and brushing regularly and refraining from playing around with wires. Your dentist does their job by adjusting their treatment at every appointment.

Through months of visits the braces system is designed to straighten the teeth of crooked patients and close gaps, align bites and make the perfect smile.

Let's now take a look at what magic these braces can accomplish for your appearance.

Straighter Teeth Make You Look Your Best

The most obvious benefit that braces have is to straighten the teeth that are crooked. Teeth that are overlapping or tilt to one side or squeeze together are gently guided back into alignment. After braces the higher and lower teeth will line up perfectly.

Photo by <a href="">Kenny Eliason</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Straight teeth provide the glam elegant, perfect look that everyone is awed by. The result is a stunning smile for your social media accounts instead of concealing your teeth. Braces can transform an unbalanced, slightly crooked smile to a clean look that will make you shine.

Close Gaps Between Teeth

Are you embarrassed by gaps between your teeth? It is typically due to teeth that are small or improperly aligned. Braces are a way to fix gaps, by allowing space and moving teeth into the correct place.

By closing gaps, you can enjoy complete teeth that appear clean, healthy and youthful. Your friends won't be able to talk about "snaggle teeth" anymore. Braces can make your smile appear bigger and more full.

Improve the Bite

Braces do more than just align your front teeth, but they can improve your overall bite. Teeth that were previously overlapping or do not align properly are adjusted to meet properly.

A well-balanced bite makes eating and speaking more comfortable. And, most important is that it appears just right. There's no more frantic tongue play in painful overlaps. Braces make sure that your molars, the bicuspids, and the incisors are aligned in a pleasing, healthy bite.

Reveal Teeth Hidden by Crowding

Are your teeth stacked over each other due to the overcrowding? This uncomfortable situation leaves some teeth concealed. In order to make room braces can help those tucked away teeth to show.

When teeth are free of space, their entire length and beauty are visible. Braces reveal a smile that has beautifully aligned teeth. There is no more crooked, smushed appearance.

Reshape Teeth

In certain instances braces are able to help shape teeth. They can smooth out chips or edges that have been damaged by trauma. Braces may also help to distribute length and width to create a symmetrical smile.

Reshaping teeth gives them an attractive, proportional appearance. The teeth appear straight, unaltered and perfect. Braces also work their subtilly.

Close Gaps Between Upper and Lower Teeth

Do you have an "buck tooth" overlap where upper teeth are visible? Are there large gaps between the lower and upper teeth? Braces bring the uppers as well as lower teeth into the perfect alignment.

The closing of gaps between the archways on the upper as well as lower provides you with the appearance of a modelled, polished appearance. Braces align everything for an unmatched final result. Smile broadly and you will see the gorgeous new alignment.

Improve Proportions

In addition to closing gaps, braces are also able to lengthen or broaden teeth. A tooth that is too small is slowly enlarged in order to be able to match its neighbours. Too tall a tooth is progressively trimmed down.

The ability to alter proportions creates smiles with perfect harmony. Your teeth function harmoniously. Braces are able to fine tune each tooth to perfect proportions within your mouth.

Whiten Teeth

Professionally whitening your teeth in the middle of treatment can make your smile more attractive as well. Whiter teeth stand out beautifully against braces brackets.

The process of whitening removes years of stains to give you a stunning smile. Your teeth appear significantly cleaner and more luminous after the process of whitening. This is in addition to the benefits of braces to improve your smile.


Braces can work magic,  just look at the incredible before-and-after photos we shared. Crooked teeth get straightened, gaps closed, bites corrected and more. Your whole smile transforms.

While each braces journey is unique, the rewards are immense. With your new flawless smile, you'll shine with confidence. No more hiding your teeth in photos or feeling self-conscious.

Sure, you'll likely deal with some discomfort during treatment. But staying focused on that final reveal will get you through. And one day soon, you'll have the straight, beautiful smile you've always wanted.

So if you're unhappy with your current smile, talk to your orthodontist. With all the options available today, from subtle clear aligners to fast lingual braces, there's a solution fit for you. Make your smile goals a reality. You deserve to love your smile.